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TIGS Foundation

TIGS Foundation Chair – Mrs Sandra Newhouse
Feb 14 2020

TIGS Foundation would like to announce the opening of a Board member position. Interested applicants should be connected to the School as a current or past parent and/or be an Alumni. They should bring relevant skills and experience, have some time and resources to support their role, uphold the values of the School and be willing to offer their service as required in a voluntary capacity.


TIGS Foundation is made up of a Board and Members and is a non-for profit, Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) registered organisation. As a team of volunteers, the Board is committed to giving their time and resources in a voluntary capacity, for the benefit of our children, premises and school community. Foundation Boards exist in almost all private schools. They traditionally have a long history and are embedded in the fabric of the School. Our Board is a combination of parents, former parents, and alumni who are overseen by the Principal and School Council and are governed by a constitution.


  • Raise funds to go towards capital projects, land purchases, new buildings, and refurbishment.
  • Raise funds for a humanitarian scholarship named the Foundation Scholarship in honour of Rev. Richard Bosanquet, which provides a life-changing pathway to a child from the Illawarra Community.

Apply in writing at