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Northern Suburbs school bus proposal

Nov 25 2022

The P&F is coordinating a campaign to persuade Transport for NSW to add new school bus routes that service the northern suburbs (Fairy Meadow to Helensburgh). Unlike other independent schools in the Illawarra; there are no TfNSW funded school bus routes servicing the northern suburbs for TIGS students. These TfNSW funded buses are only for school students (usually per school) and free to use. TIGS lobbied for this several times in the past but the P&F want to give it another push as we have even more evidence and data to present this time.

We are at the stage of putting forward our proposal to TfNSW and it would be very helpful for the success of the campaign to show TfNSW that we have many families interested in using free school buses in those suburbs if provided. Please fill in the form via the link below if you may be interested in using the bus at any stage during your time at TIGS.

Also the P&F would love to hear from any parents with a connection to either:  Rob Sharp (Secretary of TfNSW); David Elliott (Minister for Transport); or Lee Evans (local Member for Heathcote). Further details are in the form – please get in touch with Ben Huda (benvinco@gmail.com) if you have any feedback.
