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The Passage of Time

Head of Senior School – Mr Nick Hackett
Aug 19 2022

In recent weeks I have been thinking about the passage of time. Our perception of time constantly amazes me; how can it not be an absurd experience to simultaneously wonder ‘how it’s only Wednesday’ whilst also being dumbstruck that we are already well into the second half of the year and (as the board-shorted Santa made all too clear to me at the weekend) that it is only four months until Christmas!

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of addressing our Year 6 families to give them an overview of the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead, once our current Year 6s graduate from Junior School and come up the hill to become part of our Senior School community in 2023. There are many transition points in a child’s education and the step from Year 6 into Year 7 is perhaps among the most significant as parents make decisions that play a significant part in the formation and maturation of their son or daughter during the most formative years that lie ahead. 

During 2022, I have had the pleasure of teaching a Year 7 class. Teaching Year 7 is a dynamic experience. The students I met for the first time in February of this year – slightly overawed and wide eyed as they adapted to Senior School life – are rapidly growing in capacity and insight, in their confidence as independent learners and, in many cases, in height, with many students already several inches taller than they were just a few months ago!

Year 7s are attending their Camp this week but before they left, I asked a couple of students to give me a sense of their experiences in the Senior School thus far – to help them reflect on their progress, but also to offer some sage words to our Year 6s who are beginning to look ahead to the next stage of their education with nervous excitement.


How have you found Year 7 so far? 

Sanjith Sundhar Rajan: My Year 7 experience has been amazing. I have grown a lot, and I mean A LOT, in my classes such as, English and Mathematics. I have also made many new friends during the year. 

Michael Mitchell: Year 7 has been absolutely fantastic so far. I have made a whole lot of new friends as well as significant progress in my work in all subjects with the help and expertise of my teachers, who have also helped me develop good habits when applying my knowledge in the classroom and at home. For me in Year 7 learning never stops. 

What has been your highlight of Year 7 so far? 

Michael Mitchell: My highlight has been exploring new subjects and the wide range of support I get from teachers and friends. I am always encouraged to try my best. Another highlight has been supporting my Kogara House group at carnivals. As a result of being in Year 7, I have become more supportive of people and willing to help others if needed. 

How do you feel you have developed as a learner in Year 7? 

Sanjith Sundhar Rajan: I have developed many skills over the year including, language skills, mathematical skills, referencing skills and much more. I find that success criteria and learning intentions really helped me to know how I am doing in my learning and I know if I have not met the learning intention or success criteria, I can go home and revise from my notes.

What is some advice you would give to students currently in Year 6, to help them be ready for Year 7 when they arrive with us (in Term I, next year)

Michael Mitchell: The advice that I would give to current Year 6 students would be to frequently use your School Diary to help keep track of what tasks need to be done and their deadlines. Secondly, I also highly recommend asking for feedback from teachers and ways to improve to further evaluate and improve in learning new skills. They are happy to help.

It is a true privilege to share in the development of young people and to contribute to their ongoing growth, and I wish all TIGS students a happy, successful and productive second half to this term and the year ahead.