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Update and Event Information

May 27 2022

Year 12 Trivia Night 

The annual Year 12 Trivia Night fundraiser will take place on Friday 3 June. This year, our School Captains, ably supported by their Year 12 peers, are looking to create a memorable evening for the TIGS community as they seek to raise funds for the Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation. The theme for this year’s event is James Bond. As in previous years, the event is open to the wider TIGS community, 18 years or older. You are invited to attend in fancy dress and encouraged to decorate your table. There will be prizes for the best fancy dress, as well as best dressed table, on the evening. Tickets are $15 each and can be booked here. Mocktails will be available throughout the night and you are free to pre-order using the same link. All profits from the evening will go to the Year 12 charity.



Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is only a few weeks away. Tickets are now on sale – come and join us as TIGS presents our Production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!



Little Learners Labs 

The University of Wollongong invites your students to LITTLE and EARLY LEARNING LABS, an academic and creative arts enrichment holiday program. We are targeting students from Year 1 to Year 6 who are passionate, self-motivated and curious learners. 

Dates: Little Learning Labs (Years 1 and Year 2): 7 – 8 July 2022

            Early Learning Labs (Years 3 to Year 6): 4 – 6 July 2022

Venue: University of Wollongong (Wollongong campus only)
Applications close: Wednesday 18 May 2022

Website: https://www.uow.edu.au/engage/outreach-pathways/learning-labs/


P&F Meeting 

Please note, the P&F meeting scheduled for Monday 23 May, will now take place at 6.00pm on Monday 30 May in the Goodhew Research Centre (Library).