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Senior School Photography Competition Winners

Mar 24 2022

Senior School students had the chance to submit their best photos into our very own TIGS Senior School Photography Competition. The winning entries, and those who were highly commended are currently on display in the Goodhew Research Centre (Library). One winner was selected from the Year 7 to Year 10 groups, with first prize going to:

Callum Perrins – Year 7

Eda Otman – Year 8

Wilkie Dove – Year 9

Luc Do – Year 10


Callum’s entry features his neighbor’s horse, taken at the family farm. It was the last image he took on the day and he was both surprised and happy with his win. 

Eda’s entry was taken on a day out with friends. She happened upon the location by accident but thought the composition of the structure was so intriguing she decided to capture her winning image.