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New online book service

Nov 05 2021

Books are good for the brain. They expand our perspective on the world, reduce stress and boost creativity. This November we are making even more exciting book titles available online to our School community. 

This digital library is packed with thousands of fiction and non-fiction titles suitable for all age groups. Escape into a new adventure, explore a subject you’re curious about or delve into the history of our world. The “myON” digital library is available 24/7 simply login via the details below:

Go to: www.myon.com 

Choose school name: Month of myON

Username: The73

Password: 36636


There are instructions on how to use this library here

We are still offering our Wheelers eBook platform accessed through the Library OLLE page and physical books which will be delivered to students after they place them on reserve through ‘Oliver’ or ‘Orbit’, our Library catalogue.

What will your next favorite book be?