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P&F News

Mr John Ford – P&F President
Nov 05 2021

Second Hand Uniform Shop

The second hand uniform shop additional building work is complete and the shop has reopened. The cost for the work was $20,000. The shop has doubled in size to allow for used text books to be sold and extra space for uniforms. The book shelving is due to be completed in the next month. The shop is staffed by volunteers and all income goes to the P and F.

Opening Hours of the Shop can be found on the TIGS Parents & Friends facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/tigspandf/ or Whatsapp Group posts.

General Meeting

3 November 2021

The school captain’s Katelyn Spicknall, Annika Enbom, Harrison Ledger and Liam Harvey, presented their proposals for recycling and disposal of second hand books. All meeting participants were very impressed with their work and ideas, notably a credit system. Another interesting proposal was students doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award could complete their volunteering component by helping out in the second hand uniform shop.

The Great Fete 2022

Exciting NEWS, The Great Fete will be on in 2022.

The P and F will be holding a Zoom meeting in December to form a committee to run the Fete.

The Fete has many benefits for the whole school community. The kids have a fun day with their friends, parents and teachers work together cooking, running stalls and planning activities. My experience as a volunteer parent was excellent, I made new friendships and had a sense of achievement and satisfaction knowing that I helped the children enjoy their day and raise over $40,000. The funds were used to enhance educational outcomes for students.

The Fete is the P and F’s main fundraising event for the year. Parents input whether large or small is needed and welcomed. Keep an eye out in the newsletter for the ZOOM meeting date of The Great Fete 2022 to kick the organizing off. Due to previous Fete experience we follow a tried and tested system that is easy to be a part of. Join in and volunteer to help make the Fete a success.

AGM 2022

The AGM for 2022 will be held in February 2022. All positions on the committee will become vacant and  a new committee will be elected. The new committee team to take us to 2023. Please consider joining the P and F so that we can we can continue providing funding and services that enhance educational outcomes for students.