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Important Reminder – Junior and Senior School

Oct 29 2021

Rescheduled Professional Development Day

The Professional Development day on Monday 1 November is being deferred as students have just returned to face-to-face learning and parents returned to work. End of year routines have therefore been adjusted with the Professional Development day rescheduled to Friday 10 December (last day of term – usually a half-day due to Presentation Day).


COVID Pickup and Drop off Routine

Thank you for your support and patience as we settle into the end of day routines with the current requirements. For those families using our surrounding streets, please remember that parking is limited and try to be as quick as possible when dropping or collecting your children. Also, we do thank you for considering our neighbours and not blocking their access to driveways etc.

 A few reminders for Junior School families:

  • Kindergarten to Year 2 students are available from 3.00pm – 3.15pm
  • Year 3 to Year 6 students are available from 3.15pm – 3.40pm
  • Year 6 students can attend the library from 3.15pm
  • Bus students and students who are meeting siblings in the Senior School will be escorted to the IGC and Western Ave for collection from 3.15pm
  • Please have your name clearly stated on your car visor.
  • Please do not exit your vehicle.
  • Parents are encouraged to not enter the school grounds on foot, however, if required, you are asked to arrive at the time of the departure of your child and wait at the gate until they are called.

 Again, thank you for your support.