What we have learnt in our year of leadership
A challenge we all faced during remote learning was being a leader without actually physically being at school. We overcame this by persevering and trying our best to keep going, even when things felt tough. Once we came back to school we were very excited to begin face to face learning again. For the past four days we have been trying to get back into the school rhythm, so we try harder to help others in our school as school and vice captain. Throughout the entire year we have been working hard to be leaders in our school and along the way we ran into the obstacle of having to go back to remote learning.
During this year, leadership seemed like a hard thing but through being connected and supporting others we were leaders. For example we reached out to friends and supported our families through home learning and being helpful whenever we can. We have learnt that no matter where we are we need to be responsible because we have others looking up to us and need to be setting a good example.
For the past term and a half in lockdown, we have experienced lots of emotions but we have learnt to deal with them and how to support others having a hard time. We know that in our last few weeks as leaders in the Junior School, we will be supportive and responsible so that younger students can remember us as leaders and role models. Unfortunately for us, remote learning has delayed our plan for bettering the school and the environment.