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Data + Innovation = Personalisation, Outstanding Growth and Achievement

Head of Junior School – Ms Geneva Clayton
Nov 13 2020

You may have noticed the excitement building around Mathematics in the Junior School. We’ve even made the local news! It is an absolute joy to share with parents the brilliant growth and achievement of our student’s in Kindergarten to Year 6. The success in the area of Mathematics is certainly a cause for celebration.

Through the use of the innovative MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) tool our students’ knowledge, skills and capacity in the areas of Mathematics have been confidently identified and tracked over time. The information that this adaptive tool provides ensures that our programmes are targeted and provide content at each students’ ‘zone of proximal development’. All students are provided with personalised programmes and are grouped across the grade for the delivery of their Mathematics content, ensuring that their experience every day is targeted to their needs. Content and skill development are intentional and the results speak for themselves. Results are indicating that some students have mastered concepts up to two-three years beyond their traditional grade level and those who are not making expected progress are readily identified and an appropriate intervention is determined and has begun to take place.

We eagerly await to have the chance to share the details of our programme with you. This will take the form of an official launch at the commencement of the year with parent information sessions and small group conversations. As the news spreads to our greater community and our friends in Sydney, we look forward with anticipation to the opportunity to celebrate our innovative approach to teaching Mathematics and the wonderful achievements of our students, staff and school.

ICAS Mathematics Achievement

We are thrilled to congratulate Elise from 3H who received the highest score in NSW/ACT and is the recipient of an ICAS Medal. The ICAS Mathematics competition (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) assesses complex problem solving and higher-order thinking skills. Elise has demonstrated outstanding mathematical ability, across all areas of the subject. This is a brilliant achievement and we are very proud of your outstanding results!

Stage 2 Music Concert

Congratulations Year 3 and Year 4 for a wonderful Music Concert held on Tuesday. It is so pleasing to see the progress that you have all made in your instrumental lessons.

Bump it Up Day

So much fun was had on Thursday as everyone ‘Bumped Up’ for our Junior School Orientation morning.  All students experienced the morning in their new grade, learning about their special routines and programmes. We welcomed our new 2021 Junior School students throughout the School. Our second Kindergarten Orientation session took place as well as the Year 7 Orientation.

Upcoming Events – Week 6

Day Camps

Please ensure that consent has been provided and refer to the note outlining day pack requirements.

Year 6 Captains Election Process – 2021

Our Year 5’s are excited to take part in the Year 6 Captain election process. This is due to take place over the coming week. Students will be taken through the process with Ms Clayton, Mrs Wallace and the Year 5 teachers. This year, a new process will take place and we ask that parents of Year 5 students, encourage their children to take part. There is no need to prepare your children. The Junior School staff will ensure that they are well supported through the process.  Results will be announced during the Year 5 assembly later in the term.  We wish our Year 5 students the very best as they take part in this exciting process.