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An Important Point Of Difference

Head of Junior School – Ms Geneva Clayton
Sep 10 2020

At TIGS, we are fortunate to have specialist subjects taught by expert staff, ensuring that every student is engaged in high-quality offerings. This week, we celebrate the many additional experiences that make each day additionally rich and meaningful.


Ms Hollander and Mrs BONACCORSO

Students from Pre-Prep to Year 2 have been enjoying learning about instruments of the orchestra, as they listen to and engage with pieces from “Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint Saens. Activities have included moving like animals, drawing, and having a look at some of the different instruments heard in the music. The students even had the chance to play the cello and the double bass, and feel the vibrations of the low-pitched sounds they make! Whilst COVID 19 restrictions have required us to not sing at present, we have found many other creative ways to express ourselves musically across the school.


Mrs AokI

Learning a language and culture empowers children to think and express themselves in a different way. This term, Year 5 have been engaged in a collaborative project with Music and Japanese to explore Japanese culture, traditional instruments, and music. They have worked in groups to compose and perform original pieces influenced by traditional Japanese music. They have also created masks, puppets and props and are working hard on memorising lines to perform a re-enactment of the famous Japanese folktale, “Inch Boy”.

Year 6 have also begun to prepare for the Japanese component of their Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition. They’ve been learning about Kanji, researching Japanese proverbs and experimenting with Japanese calligraphy techniques. I can’t wait to see their final masterpieces.

Biblical Studies 

Mr Robinson

During Term III, the students have been exploring many different aspects of living God’s way. It has been so exciting to hear the stories about how our families have shown love and concern to others by doing many acts of kindness. These actions have ranged from helping out at markets to raise funds to help the community right through to cleaning out cupboards to give their excess toys and clothes to others who are in need. It is so important to help our students to think of others, especially during these difficult times. Hebrews 13:16 “But don’t forget to help others and to share your possessions with them.”


Mrs Bowmaker

Students have been engaging in digital citizenship programmes which aim to teach them the skills required to participate safely and competently in their communities, making smart choices online and in life. The programme shows the students how to balance media in their everyday lives and how to protect their personal information while gaining a deeper understanding of their data privacy rights so they can advocate for themselves and others. Students are learning how to become upstanders and build positive, supportive online communities, how to cultivate empathy, compassion, and courage to combat negative interactions online. These programmes will empower our children to use technology safely and responsibly, in order for them to be effective digital citizens in our world.

Visual Arts

Ms Ratcliffe

Many exciting creative opportunities to express themselves through the visual arts have taken place. Year 2 students have been learning about sharing the planet and the importance of sea turtles in our environment. They responded by drawing a silhouetted turtle and focused on blending paint with fingertips to add texture and create a realistic water effect.

Year 3 have created a bird’s eye view representation of their school using symbols, shapes and colour.

Year 6 have explored Op Art, focusing on using complementary colours, tints and shading to create a striking 3D effect.

Physical Education and Sport

Mrs Martin and Mrs DRIBBUS

Physical Education and Sport is a significant aspect of our School. Designated times are provided to ensure that all students have access to excellent facilities and expert coaches, who provide outstanding opportunities for our students. Our students continue to be incredibly active, making the most of the spaces and resources, during break times across the day. Both boys and girls engage in a number of specialised training and development opportunities through the many and varied sporting options. Despite the COVID-19 considerations for this subject area, we are thrilled to have ensured that excellent offerings have continued in safe ways.

Outside Hours Care and School Holidays Programme

Week 9 Programme

Monday: Aboriginal and Cultural Activity
Tuesday: Spontaneous Learning Experience (Sign Language)
Wednesday: STEM Activity (Children are engaged in a nature hunt for leaves,
followed by a scientific investigation focused on discovering what makes a leaf grow)
Thursday: T-Ball for Sport
Friday: Gymnastics
Before School Care available from 6.30am – Breakfast provided
After School Care available until 6.00pm – Afternoon tea provided

Vacation Care
Available from 7.00am – 6.00pm – Breakfast, morning tea and afternoon tea provided


Download our Vacation Care Program for the upcoming holidays.

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Bookings made within 2 days of a session cannot be made online and need to be requested through the Peak office open 8.00am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
Contact Peak on 1300 467 325 or email admin@peaksportslearning.com.au