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Many important lessons learnt…

Head of Junior School – Ms Geneva Clayton
May 15 2020

There has been incredible learning that has taken place during our Off Campus learning programme.  This has not only been for students and families, but for our teachers and Schools. The question “Why do some children thrive during remote learning?” provides rich, provocative and insightful information.  There are so many answers to this question but the one that stands out to me is ‘freedom, autonomy and agency’. Our students have utilised their PYP learner attributes over the past few months, as they have navigated the new realm of this schooling experience.  It did require them to build their independence, develop new strategies to solve problems, to choose how to manage their time and to more readily take on feedback and apply this.  We are incredibly proud of our students for their wonderful efforts and engagement during this time. Learning is complex, as many of our families witnessed firsthand and a newfound appreciation of the teachers’ role, was acknowledged.

For our staff, the learning that this time has offered has allowed new opportunities and possibilities as we consider the future for our learners.  Use of time, student choice, use of technology, priorities, flexible timetables and the review of home learning, are all important considerations that have been highlighted during our Off Campus offerings, providing provocative and exciting directions for our schools. In saying that, we acknowledge the role of the teacher and a ‘School’, and know that human connection and social interaction, is equally important in the learning process and the schooling experience.

Kindergarten to Year 2 students returned to our Junior School campus full of energy on Monday.  It was lovely to see them to connect with each other and those students who remain at home via Zoom.  The Junior School is filled with bright, clear and easy to interpret safety signs, reminding our students about health, hygiene and safety.  Classroom teachers have done a brilliant job of developing an awareness with our students, building into their day regular opportunities for hand washing and sanitising.  Our youngest members of the Junior School, our Kindergarten students, clearly articulated that it was important to wash their hands to “stop the germs from spreading”. Our young school members practised this throughout each day every day, developing healthy habits and new routines.  We look forward to welcoming our Year 3 and Year 4 students back to campus on Monday in Week 4.  Years 5 and 6 will continue their Off Campus programme during Week 4 and commence in Week 5.