A New Crop of Leaders
There are many ways we demonstrate our value for children and young people at TIGS. One of these ways is through our leadership programmes. We don’t just teach students about leadership as if it’s a theoretical subject, we give them a practical experience of leadership. This is true in both the Junior School and Senior School. By entrusting our students with a real experience of leadership we are indicating to them that we value their voice and trust them enough to invest them with responsibility; we are also signifying that we believe they have something to offer our School, that our School would be poorer without their initiative and drive.
This week we announced our new Senior School student leaders for 2020-2021. These Year 11 students will take over from our current Year 12 students when they graduate at the end of this term. The leadership announcement ceremony was unlike any we have held before. Normally, the ceremony is conducted in the form of a heightened assembly for the whole Senior School. However, because of the current COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings we were only able to have our Year 11 cohort present with some representatives from Year 12 to perform the handover. It is common for the handover to include big bear hugs from the Year 12’s to the Year 11’s. That was replaced this year with a whole lot of elbow tapping. What a strange world we now inhabit!
We have an inclusive approach to leadership at TIGS. This is based on our belief that God has gifted each person uniquely and he delights nothing more than for us to use the gifts we have been given for the enrichment of others. A text from 1 Peter 4.10 sums up well the Bible’s perspective on gifting:
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
The breadth of leadership positions at TIGS is an expression of this biblical teaching. Along with the usual roles of School Captain and Vice School Captain, House Captain and Prefect, we have a vast array of leadership positions including Science Prefects, Mathematics Prefects, Arts Prefects, Wellbeing Prefects, Chapel Prefects, Outdoor Education Prefects and so on. Each is able to exercise their leadership position in a way that channels their unique gifts and abilities.
As our current Year 12 students bring their season of leadership to a close, I want to acknowledge the exemplary way they have led. Their leadership has been conducted in extremely trying circumstances. They have had to be entrepreneurial as many of our regular School events and activities have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. This has necessitated a new way of leading. I have really appreciated how our student leaders have risen to the challenge and demonstrated tenacious leadership. As they have done this, they have proved that our trust in them has not been misplaced. We have greatly valued them and their leadership. Well done good and faithful servants!