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A special thankyou and congratulations to the School community

May 26 2023

A huge thank you and congratulations to all involved in our Great Fete that was held on May 20, what a spectacular day. This was an incredibly successful event that brought our whole community together to showcase our wonderful school. It was heartwarming to see so many parent and staff volunteers, wonderful student performances, and the most generous of donations to our stalls by our parents and friends. A big thank you to all that attended, donated, supported and assisted with the organisation. It was a wonderful event and testament to the special community that we belong to. A particular thank you to our P&F members, Lena Huda – P&F President and Matthew Field – Operations & Facilities Manager, and our maintenance team for their hard work to organise and execute such a successful event. We look forward to confirming the funds raised for our school.

As I commence interviews for our new Kindergarten cohort for 2024, I am reminded of the privilege that we are blessed to have to be a part of each new generation of learner that enters our school community. It is heartwarming for me to meet each family and learn about their child, their special talents, needs and hopes for their child’s school experience. This week I was further awarded the opportunity to read every child’s general comment, as carefully expressed by their classroom teacher in readiness for the Semester 1 report. With confidence I express how committed our staff are to your children. Their accurate insight and feedback, alongside purposeful goals and expectations are so carefully and uniquely articulated. I thank our Junior School staff for their dedication to every learner and the care they take in building confidence in our students to strive for their personal best always.