A wonderful return for Kindergarten and Year 1 students
It was with pure delight and joy that we welcomed our Kindergarten and Year 1 students back to school this week. There was a lovely excitement as students entered the space, filling it with laughter and squeals of fun as they reconnected with their friends in real life. The playgrounds were filled with the busyness of carefree exchanges and play, chasing, catching and playing, whilst learning about the new considerations as we adjust to life back on campus.
The true highlight was observing our students connect with their teachers, who took great care and restraint not to hug them and keep that safe level of distance. Our teachers have spent much time preparing for the return to school to ensure that our students learn and practice the new routines and to settle well into the remainder of the term.
A very big welcome to the many new students, and their families, who joined the Junior School in Term III and Term IV. We know what a challenging time that it has been for you at this time and congratulate you on the wonderful contributions that you have made during remote learning. We know that you will feel very welcomed as you settle into your classrooms and build connections with your peers in person.
It has been a fabulous week and we are very much looking forward to the remainder of the Junior School, Years 2 to Year 6, returning next week. This week you will have received specific information from your child’s grade teachers. Further to this, I ask for your support with the following:
- Whilst it is currently not mandatory for your child to wear a mask, it remains highly recommended to. I encourage you to consider this as more students return to school.
- Please ensure that you have your colour coded surname label for end of day procedures. Contact the Junior School Office for a new label if required.
- Student arrival – students are encouraged to arrive after 8.20am if possible. Upon arrival students will move into designated grade areas and remain in these until the commencement of the school day. Students arriving from 8am will be seated in the amphitheatre in their grade group.
- Student dismissal – at the conclusion of the day, students will be dismissed directly from their classrooms in family groups.
- Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 will be available from 3.00pm until 3.15pm, students and families with siblings in Years 3 to Year 6 will be available from 3.15pm until 3.40pm.
- Please do not send your child to school unwell. Any signs or symptoms of illness across the school day will be treated with vigilance and in accordance with strict procedures. We ask and appreciate your support with this.
- ·Please ensure that your child returns to school in full Summer Uniform and according to our usual personal presentation expectations. The uniform shop can be accessed via the online system and orders can be delivered to students directly at school.
We look forward to the coming weeks and thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
Welcome back to our Years 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students!