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Chapel in Term II

Rev Dave Binggeli – Chaplain
May 09 2024

In Chapel this term, we are making our way through the New Testament Epistle of James. What stands out about this short letter is how practical it is! From the very opening of the letter, it shows that faith is always meant to be applied; it’s meant to change how we live. We see this with the opening words:

“Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and whole, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

Faith changes how we understand trials and challenges. We don’t run from challenges, or panic when we experience them; rather, James encourages us to ‘consider [them] pure joy’. Why? Because it’s in and through the challenges and tougher times that we grow; that our character becomes more mature and whole (v. 4).

This is true, not only spiritually, but academically too. Pursuing excellence in any academic area requires that we embrace the challenge – whether it’s in Mathematics, English, Physics or any other subject. Students ought to come to school ready to be challenged and stretched in the pursuit of excellence. It’s the only path to growth.

The eyes of faith allows for a total reframing like this – to be able to see the harder times as ‘pure joy’ – because we know that the harder experiences in our life are not random occurrences, but are always used by God for our good and the formation of our character.