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Giving back to the community

Sep 17 2021

Under the restrictions of lockdown, giving back to the community becomes simultaneously more difficult and more important. Though as a core Christian value, helping others should be one of the last things that we place in the “too hard basket”.

Over the last few weeks we have heard from our community the stories of service that some of our youngest members have been involved in.  The Kermali family have been a powerhouse of activity during the pandemic. Leena, Inaaya, Jannah and Kasim, aged 6-15, have been tirelessly working to support the local community. They started back in March 2020 handing out packs of hand sanitizer. Since then they have created a photobooth outside a vaccination centre, started a Tik Tok account to promote vaccination and written, published and distributed 2000 children’s books on health and hygiene.

Sammy Lowe in Year 8 has been taking part in the Make a Wave Campaign as part of the Billabong team. An initiative of Surf Aid, they are raising funds to support remote communities by providing healthcare, clean water and improved nutrition. Sammy has already smashed through his target and raised over $1000, showing that something as simple as a daily surf can help give back in a meaningful way. You can donate to Sammy’s campaign here.

There are lots of ways to get involved in giving back to the community, and no good deed is too small. 

For places to get started you can consider: