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Goal Setting and Hitting Targets

Head of Junior School – Ms Geneva Clayton
Apr 01 2021

Much time has been spent looking at target areas of growth and development. This applies not only to our students but also collectively as a staff. The process of identifying areas of improvement is very much a part of our feedback and evaluation cycles that take place every day in the classrooms and during collaborative planning sessions with staff.  It is this discovery and opportunity to come to findings individually that ensure that meaningful goals are generated based on need. As our students come to an end of a busy term and assessment takes place, teachers work alongside students to provide meaningful feedback and help to determine future goals.  You will find many talking points in your child’s Seesaw Learning portfolio.  Be sure to review these work samples with your child and discuss their identified goals for Term II.

Parent Connections

We are delighted to welcome our parents back on campus! We invite you to attend our Junior School Assemblies and Chapel Services. These take place on Thursdays at 11.00am. Please come along and enjoy the opportunity to be an audience for your child. 

The Term II Junior School Calendar will be distributed shortly with key dates for you to note. We have a number of Junior School parent-specific events that will take place. Including opportunities to provide feedback regarding our Primary Years Programme (PYP). Parent insights are an important part of our PYP Self Study as we look to build on the foundations of the programme and to build partnerships with you.

We have many volunteers keen to come to assist in the classroom, build resources or attend excursions. This will commence officially in Term II. There will be opportunities for you to attend ‘parent helper’ sessions, and in the meantime, we ask that you organise a volunteer working with children check, for parents who have offered to assist in the classroom and excursions.

Click here to Apply 

Happy Holidays

I want to thank you for a fabulous Term I. The Junior School has been a constant hive of activity and we are so proud of the wonderful efforts of our children and equally our Junior School staff. We’ve had a brilliant start to the year and are looking forward to a restful break ready to begin Term II.  Have a wonderful break with your families.