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Junior School News: New Learning Framework and Year 6 Canberra Trip

Ms Geneva Clayton – Head of Junior School
Jun 06 2024

The Illawarra Grammar Junior School Framework

We are thrilled to share the new ‘Illawarra Grammar Junior School Framework’ with our families. Please join us on Monday 17 June 2024 from 5.30pm.

Much time has been devoted to revise and sharpen our ‘Units of Learning’ to reflect the important curriculum changes that not only NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) mandate but also the latest evidence-based research regarding best practice.  

Our ‘Illawarra Grammar Junior School Framework’ has been carefully crafted to respond to the needs of our students, reflecting a progressive teaching and learning pedagogy, within our unique school context and community.  With direct connections to our Colonnade Model (described in Dr Greenhalgh’s newsletter article last week) and a focus on ‘future readiness’, our new framework ensures that students not only develop essential knowledge and skills but also their attitudes and values will guide them towards ethical and responsible action within their local community and beyond. Our aim is to ensure that our children learn to adapt to, thrive in and shape the future.

Following the launch of our new framework, families are invited to learn more about the new curriculum updates in Literacy and Numeracy across the school, through interactive workshops that outline the best ways to support your children at home. Please register your attendance here.

Year 6 Canberra Trip

Written by Mrs Rebecca Young

On Wednesday, Year 6 students and seven brave teachers embarked on an exciting journey to our nation’s capital. We left in a coach and mini-bus convoy and headed straight for Parliament House. Upon arrival, the Prime Minister’s office descended upon us and we were prepared for our special tour of the PM’s office – thanks to Mr Yeo and his family connections. We were among 1% of schools allowed through the office and courtyard, and our students thoroughly appreciated this unique experience.

The rest of the day was followed by further Parliament House tours and role plays, immersing students in our governmental system. We quickly checked into our motel then headed off to Questacon for dinner and a nighttime play, enjoying the place all to ourselves. It was well past bedtime by the time we got back to our motel with lots of happy students who had no trouble getting off to sleep.

The next morning was a brisk -2 degrees as we headed to breakfast then off to the Arboretum and a play on the pods. We then enjoyed the sights at Mount Ainsley, toured the embassies and discovered Old Parliament House and the Museum of Australian Democracy. Students enjoyed learning about the history of democracy and role-playing a real life election. Day 2 ended with dinner back at the motel and a movie night to cap off another cold but sunny Canberra day.

We had an extra early start on our final morning with breakfast at 6:45am! Students then enjoyed a tour at the AIS and a quick visit to the National Capital Authority to discover the history of Canberra and how it became our nation’s capital. Students and teachers were quite weary by the time we returned to Figtree, yet extremely happy and satisfied with our memorable visit to Canberra.

Here’s what a few of our Year 6 students thought about the trip:

Rhett Allen 6P – “The best thing about Canberra was the big slide at Questacon and the mini-bus! Old Parliament House was also great with those old, comfy leather chairs.”        

Emma Tian  6A – “The National Capital Exhibition was very interesting. I liked learning about the history of Canberra and how it was designed.”

Aishwarya Vududala 6P – “I enjoyed Parliament House, Questacon and being on the minibus. I liked visiting the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Prime Minister’s office.”

Jacob Chapman 6Y – “I liked Questacon because I love Science and it’s lots of fun. The food was great too!”

Alana Noveski 6Y – “Old Parliament House was fun and the role-play in the House of Representatives. The accommodation was very comfortable.”

Aayan Gandhidasan 6A – “Questacon was awesome because it had great activities at every corner. It was very cold at Canberra but we had lots of fun!”

Pacer Rebate 

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding to our School in the amount of $30.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the School upon completion of the excursion. We are grateful for the opportunity for our students to participate in a trip that gave them valuable insight into Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy.