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Parent Learning Conferences

Head of Junior School – Ms Geneva Clayton
Mar 06 2020

The first formal opportunity to meet with Junior School class teachers will take place next week. The primary purpose of this meeting is to develop shared educational, social and emotional goals for the year ahead and to provide feedback regarding your child’s transition to the new academic year. Your child is welcome to participate in the conferences.

The African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”  is true with the role families, teachers and schools play. Working together means having clarity and a shared understanding of the needs of your child. Our teachers are expert educators that rely on the insights and support of families to ensure a rich, effective and positive school experience for each child and we thank you for your partnership.

Some questions that we encourage you to ask:

  • How has my child settled into the year? What are your observations and feedback?
  • What are my child’s strengths and areas to focus on improving?
  • How is my child socially? How do they engage in the classroom?
  • Goal setting – be sure to share your insights and goals for the year. What are my child’s short term and long term goals?
  • What can I do to help you?


Seesaw – Kindergarten to Year 4

We are really excited to introduce Seesaw in Kindergarten to Year 4 in 2020. Seesaw is a multi-media journal which empowers students to showcase what they are learning at school. This is a portfolio app and website which documents and records student learning, growth and collaboration. Seesaw provides you with a holistic picture of your child’s skills and understandings, demonstrating their learning process and communicated to you in real-time.

Each child in Kindergarten to Year 4 has a Seesaw account. Learning artefacts/snapshots/digital work samples will be uploaded throughout each term, to ensure that you have an ongoing understanding of your child’s learning at school. It will no doubt provide some great conversation starters at the dinner table! The items and work samples that will be uploaded onto Seesaw will be a combination of finished products and works in progress. There will also be reflections on learning and voiceovers that demonstrate your child’s understanding of concepts being covered.

Seesaw can be viewed on multiple platforms, both desktop and laptop, as well as mobile devices by downloading Seesaw’s Family App for iOS or Android. Seesaw is a safe environment for students and parents to share and comment on the items that are uploaded. I hope you enjoy this window into your child’s thinking and achievement at School. We are excited by the prospects of all of the great learning we can share with you!

Seesaw will be released to Kindergarten to Year 4 over the coming weeks. Individual access instructions and further details about the programme will be sent to you via your personal email. Please contact the Junior School Office if you have any concerns.

Students in Year 5 and Year 6 will continue to use the platform OLLE to upload work samples, teacher feedback and invite parent engagement and feedback.



Renaissance Reading

We are excited to be launching Renaissance Reading in Year 2 to Year 6 this week. Please find attached important correspondence regarding this.

Year 2 to Year 6 Renaissance Letter



Student Reflections

London, Paris, Washington D.C., and … Canberra? Our nation’s capital might not be as glamorous as some, but it stands as a proud symbol of Australia. Our excursion was a marvellous adventure that allowed us to engage, experience and learn from.

First, we went to the Australian War Memorial where we paid our respects to the fallen soldiers. Our trip to the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at the Old Parliament House was exhilarating as we hunted for clues and solved puzzles in an attempt to unpack our nation’s history. As Year 6 walked through the chambers of the Old and New Parliament Houses, where historic decisions have been made, we speculated that perhaps one day, some of us might walk these halls as leaders! We dreamed of winning gold for our country at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) experiencing life as a professional athlete engaging with the simulated sports equipment at Sportex. Our bus ride up to Mount Ainsley could not have prepared us for the beautiful birds-eye view of the capital, that we spent time sketching. Learning about the role of the High Court was fascinating and highly appealing. Overall, the excursion was an enlightening experience.

A special thanks to the teachers, Mrs Segar, Mr Carroll, Mrs Wallace and Mrs Mammone and Mrs Carswell for organising this informative three-day tour. Also a big thanks to the friendly staff at Gold Creek Resort for taking care of us so well, and to our awesome bus driver, Wolfgang. We would also like to acknowledge the PACER contribution that helps support our on-site learning at the nation’s capital. Year 6’s final impressions, “Who said politics was boring?!” 

Contributions by Subhaan Ul-Haq, Isabella Carswell and Annaliese Brunskill.

Edited by Mrs Segar




Junior School Awards

Congratulations to all students who have achieved awards. A full list is available on the Junior School Awards page of OLLE.