Raring to go
It’s a pleasure to be writing my first newsletter article of 2022. Term I this year has looked somewhat different than it would usually have done in previous years, but we are starting to look ahead with excitement to a less Covid-affected second half of the term and, God willing, year ahead.
Despite, perhaps more accurately, because of the restrictions we have been working under, it has been a really busy start to the year. Designing cohort-grouped activities, rooming lessons and modifying existing events takes a lot of additional planning and I would like to recognise the hard work of our staff in meeting the challenges involved in our current mode of operation.
Our students have also made a positive start to the year with our large cohort of new Year 7s settling in quickly and starting to establish themselves as an integral part of our Senior School community. On Monday, Mrs Sullivan provided staff with an overview of our 2022 programme of co-curricular activities consisting of a wealth of sporting, academic and interest-based activities, and students from Years 8 to 10 have been signing up for their Period 5 co-curricular groups throughout this week.
Our Year 12s are about to embark on the next round of academic mentoring in which each student will have a 1:1 conversation based on their Term IV assessment tasks and their progress toward achieving personal goals for the year ahead. These meetings take place each term in Year 12 and provide ongoing feedback and specific targets to help keep students accountable and focused on achieving success.
To inspire and encourage these students, and indeed students from across the school, three high achieving members of the graduating Class of 2021 addressed our school community in a special assembly this week. Even without the challenges they faced in their final HSC year, the achievements of these students and so many others in their cohort would be noteworthy. But the fact that their achievements were reached after spending nearly six months unable to come onto the school site is simply remarkable. The invaluable wisdom and experience imparted by these recent alumni included advice on making the most of the opportunities provided at TIGS, developing good study skills in your younger years, managing deadlines and assessment notifications and the importance of good habits like sleep, and exercise. Students often hear these messages from their teachers, and sometimes their parents too, but to hear them from students they recognise adds an authenticity and gravitas that is difficult to beat.
During the second half of Term I we are looking forward to a wealth of sporting competitions, the rescheduled Year 11 Arts Camp, the Cross Country Carnival, Artsfest, and the return of much-missed face to face events involving our wider community such as the TIGS Prayer Breakfast and Parents’ Evening. Here’s to a joy-filled, productive and successful year ahead!