Second Hand Uniform Shop News
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop will have additional opening times this term, as shown below:
Saturday 15 May from 10.00am – 11.00am
Saturday 29 May from 3.00pm – 4.00pm
The normal opening time Thursday 8.30am – 10.30am will continue throughout the term.
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is located in the demountable building BEHIND the Uniform Shop on Western Ave.
We have a good supply of most uniform pieces. We welcome all donations that are in good condition and are clean.
All money raised by the P&F from the Second-Hand Uniform Shop is donated to the School for supporting purchases that benefit our children. These have included additional filtered water devices, additional outdoor seating, and helping fund the proposed upgrades for the tennis courts. Parents can make suggestions and vote on such purchases at our P&F meetings that are coming up this term.
Your donations help to keep the cost of replacing uniforms down for all families. All families are welcomed to access the Second-Hand Uniform Shop.
Please leave any donations at the shop during opening hours. We are dedicated to recycling and reusing good quality uniforms wherever possible.
We have many larger sizes (22-26) that are brand new. Come and take a look. 😊
Please remember that our staff in the shop are parent volunteers. They are not paid.
We ask that you do not come into the shop if you are sick and that you are patient when waiting to visit the shop during the current environment.