Senior School News: Preparing For The Future
In my last newsletter, I wrote about ‘Strong Futures’ and provided links to our Careers pages for students and families in Year 9, 10, 11 and 12. I want to continue with a focus on the future in this week’s newsletter also.
Each year, Term II is a pivotal time for senior students. During this term, our Year 12s begin to firm up their choices and prepare their formal applications to universities. For Year 10s, the selection of Stage 6 courses is a stark reminder that their progress through Senior School continues apace and the opportunities and demands of Preliminary and HSC courses are moving ever closer.
Year 10 – Subject Selection Evening (Wednesday 5 June, 5:30pm)
In Week 6, Year 10 students and families are invited to attend our ‘Year 11 2024 Subject Selection Evening’ where the formal process of learning about Stage 6, and selecting preferred subjects for study for the next two years, will commence. During the evening, Mr Breheny will provide a wealth of information about the courses on offer and the relevant requirements and recommendations. Members of the Senior School leadership (including our Heads of Department), Careers Advisor and a number of Stage 6 subject teachers will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and to provide specific information about our Stage 6 courses.
Families will be provided with an HSC Subject Guide during the evening which will provide a reference point over the days ahead in which students will submit their preferences for their Stage 6 courses.
Year 10 – Parent Teacher Interviews (TUESDAY 11 June, 3:30pm).
The Year 10 Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for the following week. These conversations should provide really useful information about students’ strengths, areas for development and suitability for courses being considered for ongoing study over the coming years.
Following these two events, the deadline for students to submit their Stage 6 subject preferences is Friday 14 June, 9am.
To help support Year 10 students, and to set their subject selection in a wider context, universities offer a wealth of helpful information, publications and events, a selection of which are linked below.
The University of New South Wales hosts a vibrant page with specific links leading to personalised content for students in Years 10, 11 and 12. Students visiting the website will be able to register for events and webinars, and find plenty of opportunities to explore courses and find out more about university life.
Visit here: https://www.unsw.edu.au/study/your-future/year-10-guide-to-uni
Each year, The University of Sydney produces an excellent guide for students looking ahead to university, and specifically the timings and events to watch for during Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12.
Visit here: https://www.sydney.edu.au/content/dam/corporate/documents/study/guides/usyd-year-10-guide.pdf
In the same week as our Year 11 2025 Subject Selection Evening, The University of Wollongong, will be running an online webinar to provide families with useful information regarding subject selection, pre-requisites, assumed knowledge, the ATAR and the significance of Year 11.
This event will take place on Tuesday 4 June, 2024 and will run from 7.00pm – 8.00pm.
Families who are interested in attending, should register here: https://mkto.uow.edu.au/DOMUGWEB20245287Year10SubjectSelectionWebinar_Registration.html