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Share the Joy

Deputy Principal and Chaplain – Rev. James Rogers
Nov 04 2022

For many years now, TIGS has partnered with ANGLICARE for their Toys ‘n Tucker campaign. Toys ‘n Tucker is an opportunity for us to share the joy of Christmas with those in need. ANGLICARE distributes donated items to families in need; the impact is enormous. Families who would usually go without, have something to put under the tree on Christmas morning and on the table on Christmas day. What could be more wonderful than that?

 This week we have commenced our campaign at School. Students can bring in food items for families and toys or personal items for children and young people. Below is a list of items that we are encouraged to donate. (Please, refrain from donating chocolate as it melts.) Children in the JS can take their donations to their classrooms; students in the SS can give their donations to their mentor teacher or place them in the library foyer. Donations are open until our Christmas Celebration on 7 December.

 These are challenging economic times. Any assistance we can give this Christmas will have a big impact. Thank you in advance for your generosity.