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Updates and Event Information

Mar 24 2022

Junior School Open Day

At 9.30 am on Wedensday 30 March, our Junior School will be holding its Kindergarten to Year 6 Open Day. 

Families will have an opportunity to tour the School and talk with senior staff about how inquiry based learning and the Primary Years Programme can benefit their child. 

Registrations are essential and can be made via the website.

Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews 

Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Thursday 7 April at 4.00pm to 7.30pm. We are excited to be proceeding with face-to-face interviews in the Goodhew Research Centre (Library). Parents/carers will have now received details regarding booking appointments. IIf you have any questions regarding the interviews, please contact Kerrie Sheldon via ksheldon@tigs.nsw.edu.au  (02) 4220 0218. 

Year 7 Parent Teacher Interviews

Please note the change of date, communicated via Nick Hackett last Friday. We have moved the Parent Teacher Interview date forward – as we are keen to meet you and for you to be able to put faces to teachers’ names.

The new date for the Year 7 Parent Teacher Interviews is now Wednesday 18 May (Week 4 of Term II).