We Make A Difference
I’m sure you have a list of memorable teachers. We all have a handful of teachers that we can name, with distinct memories about how they impacted our lives. We remember those, in particular, that went above and beyond to build meaningful relationships, provided honest feedback, that ultimately brought out the best in us.
John Hattie, Professor of Education, has provided insightful research that confirms the incredible impact teachers have on students. He states that the teachers make a difference and that “it is what teachers know, do and care about which is very powerful in the learning equation”.
We are fortunate to have an incredible group of teachers who are committed to ensuring that every day for your children is filled with opportunities that are meaningful, targeted, responsive, carefully planned, challenging and fun. Our teachers’ relationships with your children are ones of genuine love, care and trust. Every day, our teachers talk with joy and insight about our students. They are committed to making changes, looking for solutions and ways to continually improve. They honestly do! I’d like to acknowledge and congratulate our Junior School teachers for a brilliant Semester 1, where the challenges were tackled head-on and the outcomes speak for themselves.
Have a wonderful final week and enjoy a safe well-deserved break.