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Welcome to Kindergarten

Head of Junior School – Ms Geneva Clayton
Nov 06 2020

Welcome to Kindergarten 2021. It is so lovely to meet you in person! 

It was a delight to welcome our new 2021 Kindergarten students to the Junior School this week. These inquisitive, gorgeous little people filled our space with smiles, giggles and delightful questions. Time was spent exploring their new environment and meeting the Junior School students and staff. It was so lovely to see our new students in person, after the memorable Zoom opportunities over the past few months.

We look forward to our whole school ‘Bump it Up’ Day next Thursday 12 November. On this day, our new Kindergarten students will visit for their second orientation session, our Year 6 students will attend the Year 7 Orientation Day and our current Junior School students will all ‘bump up’ to their receiving grade. This is a great way to experience a morning of fun learning more about the new programme and grade for 2021. Our new students to TIGS Junior School will also attend this day and will spend time meeting their new classmates and learning more about our school.

Celebrating our students

It’s always so fabulous to receive news about the achievements of our Junior School students. Ellis from 5H has been very busy supporting the charity, ‘Kids Giving Back’, who help the homeless through the preparation of meals, the packing of hampers, as well as the delivery of these. Ellis has spent many weekends throughout the last few months including the school holidays to offer his hands to our local community. We acknowledge the wonderful community service that Ellis has shown and congratulate him on his generous efforts.

Planning for 2021

As we near the end of this very big year, I thank you for the continued support and encouragement of our staff and our school. Shortly, we will commence the process of class construction. I’d like to highlight the extensive process that we undertake. We ask that you trust our decisions as we carefully consider the needs of your children. Please know that this is a lengthy process, where the social, emotional and academic needs of every child are considered. Careful consideration regarding staffing also takes place. This is to ensure that we make the best decisions for the year ahead. Parents have begun to send through requests, and while we appreciate your insights, please know that we have your child’s best interests at heart. If you have concerns, by all means do raise these with your child’s classroom teacher, however, feel reassured that this is a careful process that we devote much attention to.

A reminder about online safety

It has come to our attention that a number of students in Primary (Year 4 to Year 6) have access to various online communication pathways, including messenger, Xbox live chats, private emails etc. Should you allow your children to access these, please ensure that you are monitoring these carefully and have set the appropriate safety restrictions.