Wonderful Starts and New Beginnings
Welcome to 2020! What a joy it is to welcome our gorgeous students back for a fabulous year of learning. Our staff have spent much time preparing to launch exciting new programmes and initiatives, all of which will be shared at our Parent Meet the Teacher Evening on Monday 17 February.
We extend a particular welcome to more than 30 new students, in Year 1 to Year 6 and their families to our school this year. In addition to this, we are delighted to have our new Kindergarten children commence with smiles, confidence and shiny shoes. Our new families are keen to connect to our community, so please extend a welcome hand.
The commencement of our school year saw the participation of students across the School, in Watermelon Day, a tradition that began in 1959. This continues to be an important part of our school calendar and a lovely way to start the year. Alongside this, buddies made connections and the Year 6 Leadership team attended training and were officially inducted into their roles.
We look forward to your continued contributions and opportunities to build connections with you. We encourage your involvement and attendance at the many Junior School events planned for the year. A special thank you to our grade parents, who organise many important social events to connect our families to each other.
Junior School Teaching Team for 2020
It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to our:
Classroom Teachers
- Kindergarten – Mrs Rebecca Young- Early Stage One Coordinator, (KY), Meri Anastovski (KA), Michelle Tierney (KT).
- Year 1 – Mrs Lennea Grace (1G), Mrs Virginia Herraman (1H) and Mrs Debbie Pastro (1P)
- Year 2 – Mrs Kathy McMahon – Stage 1 Coordinator, (2M) and Mrs Nicki Stanis (2S)
- Year 3 – Ms Natasha Hutchins (3H) and Ms Eftihia Duncan (3D)
- Year 4 – Mrs Kylie Cook – Stage 2 Coordinator, (4C), Mrs Ashley Young (4Y) and Mr Peter Agnew (4A)
- Year 5 – Mrs Anna Carswell – Stage 3 Coordinator (5C), Mrs Lisa Hughes (5H) and Mr Mark Yeo (5Y)
- Year 6 – Mrs Dorothy Segar (6S) and Mr Andrew Carroll (6C)
Specialist Teachers
- Japanese – Mrs Skye Aoki
- Music – Ms Claire Hollander and Mrs Liana Bonaccorso
- Visual Arts – Mrs Jennifer Ratcliffe
- P.E/Sport – Mrs Kylie Dribbus and Mrs Jane Martin
- Biblical Studies – Mr Jeff Robinson
- Library – Mrs Karen Bowmaker
2020 Learning Enhancement Team
Our commitment to being responsive to individual needs and tailoring programmes to our students, to ensure growth, has provided an opportunity to review our Learning Support structures in 2020. Our ‘Learning Enhancement’ team, will support our students and class teachers as we look to provide creative and effective interventions. With a focus on growth for all students, the learning enhancement team will play a pivotal role in the tracking of students across the school. Additional support will be provided by our Junior School Executive staff members, including Mrs Karen Wallace, Mrs Narelle McRae and myself.
- Ms Sue Worthington – Junior School Learning Support Teacher
- Mrs Suzanne Mammone – Junior School Learning Support Teacher
- Mrs Maree Coltman – Learning Support Teachers’ Aide
- Ms Renae Pilkington – Learning Support Teachers’ Aide
- Mrs Karen Wallace – Teaching and Learning/PYP Coordinator
- Mrs Narelle McRae – Junior School Deputy Head/Wellbeing (On Leave in Term I)
- Ms Geneva Clayton – Head of Junior School
Insights Into Your Child’s Day
Your child’s day is very busy, full and often very tiring, and when asked, ‘What did you do today?’, can often result in the usual response of ‘nothing’, ‘not much’ or ‘I don’t know’. Here are some questions which aren’t so ‘big’ and open-ended and will give you some insight into some of the ‘happenings’ of that day:
- What made you smile today?
- Who did you sit with at lunch?
- If you could change one thing about today, what would it be?
- What was the hardest rule to follow today?
- Tell me something that you know today, that you didn’t know yesterday?
Acknowledging our Students
We are always thrilled to acknowledge the incredible achievements of our students. It is with great pleasure to announce that the MS Readathon Challenge, in 2019, saw the outstanding contribution from Aahan Rakheja, 6C, who raised an incredible $3007.48, making him the seventh-highest fundraiser in Australia. This is a significant achievement for Aahan, the Multiple Sclerosis Association and our school. We congratulate and thank Aahan for his commitment, love of reading and dedication to raising money for this very important cause.
Important Reminders
At TIGS, we take pride in our appearance, wearing our uniform correctly, with hair neat and tidy and ensuring the correct jewellery is worn.
Thank you for referring to page 8 of the diary and ensuring that your child is well presented and ready for school.
Supervision and Safety
Dismissal Procedures
Our school campus is a busy place with multiple things happening every day. We need the support of all parents and our whole community in ensuring that the children are supervised and safe. I understand that families are juggling work and family commitments before and after school hours, and our school has a number of options to ensure that your child is appropriately supervised at all times. At the conclusion of the school day, Junior school students being collected by car must use the car line and are not permitted to walk up to Western Avenue to meet mum or dad in the car. There is no available parking in this busy and narrow street, multiple busses are accessing the space and no allocated supervision to ensure that our young students are safe. Please use the well designed, staffed and safe car line procedure. No child can be left unsupervised at any point in our school day. The safety of our children is our greatest priority and we thank you for your support with this.
I would like to remind our families of the following information:
Before School ArrangEments
Supervision is provided on the Amphitheatre from 8.00am until play commences at 8.20am. Children arriving to school at 8.00am are to come straight to the Amphitheatre with their bags. Please note: there is NO supervision before 8.00am therefore students who do arrive before this time will be taken to PEAK, our Before and After School Care programme. PEAK’s Before School Care programme operates in Rees Hall from 6.30am – 8.45am and breakfast is supplied daily. Students who have a morning co-curricular activity should meet their tutor at the designated location.
After School Activities
Students participating in after school activities must wait quietly on the Amphitheatre or the Breezeway for their activity to commence. They are not to play handball or any other game. At the conclusion of the activity, they are to be collected by parent/s and if not, will be escorted to PEAK. PEAK’s After School Care programme operates in Rees Hall from 3.00pm – 6.00pm and afternoon tea is supplied.
Further information about other important procedures for the Junior School can be found on OLLE via the Junior School landing page.
As always, my door is always open, and I encourage your feedback and communication. I am confident of a fabulous year ahead, with the support of an incredible Junior School team.