This week our Year 6 leaders took the opportunity to promote and build awareness about the importance of protecting and conserving our environment.
World Environment Day on 5 June reinforced our commitment to taking care of our local and school environment, with a specific focus on looking at ways to reduce plastic. Our student leaders Josephine Huda, Zia Harper and Chloe Greenhalgh have demonstrated a particular passion in this area and are working hard to establish a Junior School Environment Action Group.
We are very excited by their ideas and enthusiasm. According to Josephine, Zia and Chloe, ‘The team has worked hard to engage students and parents from TIGS, and have made some steps to help the environment at TIGS and in our community. An environment plan for TIGS includes: Establishing in every classroom one person a week to turn off the lights as a part of the weekly classroom tasks, get new recycling bins for the playground and have students join the Clean up Australia Day initiative. A good place would be either Johanson park or Wollongong beach’. This year, we need to #BeatPlasticPollution!